Transparent Administration

Legislative Decree No. 33 of 14th March 2013 aims to improve the relationship between members of the public and the Public Administration. Article 9, paragraph 1 of the decree establishes that, for the purpose of ensuring full accessibility to information, a "Transparent Administration" page should be included in websites.

General Documents

CCIAA Certificate of Non-evasion - Nutzungsvertrag (pdf)
Castel Mareccio: Lease Agreement - Übergabeprotokoll (pdf)
Castel Mareccio: Handover Minutes - Übergabeprotokoll (pdf)
Runkelstein Castle: Concession Contract - Konzessionsvertrag (pdf)
Runkelstein Castle: Shop: Opening of Business - Ausübung eines Betriebes (pdf)

Articles of Incorporation (pdf)

Statute of the Castles of Bolzano Foundation

Statute of the Castles of Bolzano Foundation (pdf)

Board of Directors

2016 - 2020

Resolution No. 683 (pdf)
Attendance Fee (pdf)
President: Univ.-H. Prof. Doz. DDr. Helmut Rizzolli (pdf)
Non-Conflict of Interest Declaration (pdf)
Councillor: Alberto Pasquali
Non-Conflict of Interest Declaration (pdf)
Councillor: Sara Alberti Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
Non-Conflict of Interest Declaration (pdf)
Auditor: Nicola Moscon (pdf)

2020 - 2024

Resolution No. 767 dated 14.12.2020_appointment of councillors and auditor
Decree No. 2/S/2021 dated 29.01.2021 - appointment of President Notburga Volgger (pdf)
CV Councillor Alberto Pasquali (pdf)
Non-Conflict of Interest Declaration by Alberto Pasquali (pdf)
CV Councillor Gino Bombonato (pdf)
Non-Conflict of Interest Declaration by Gino Bombonato (pdf)
CV Auditor Enrico Colasanti (pdf)
Attendance Fees 2022

Other Documents

Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency: Florian Hofer

Assessment Scale (pdf) 2020
Certification (pdf) 2020
Summary Sheet (pdf) 2020
Assessment Scale (pdf) 2021
Certification (pdf) 2021
Summary (pdf) 2021
Nomination head of corruption prevention an transparency


Organigram (pdf)
Employee Classification (pdf)
Code of Ethics (pdf)
Personnel Hiring Regulations (pdf)


Balance 2014 (pdf)
Balance 2015 (pdf)
Balance 2016 (pdf)
Balance 2017 (pdf)
Balance 2018 (pdf)
Balance 2019 (pdf)
Balance Audit Report 2019 (pdf)
Balance 2020 (pdf)
Balance Audit Report 2020 (pdf)
Balance 2021 (pdf)
Balance Audit Report 2021 (pdf)
Balance 2022 (pdf)
Balance Audit Report 2022 (pdf)

Publication in Accordance with LP n. 17 del 22/10/1993 art. 28-bis

Appointments 2013 (pdf)
Appointments 2014 (pdf)
Appointments 2015 (pdf)
Appointments2016 (pdf)
Appointments2017 (pdf)
Appointments2018 (pdf)
Appointments 2019 (pdf)
Appointments 2020 (pdf)
Appointments 2021
Appointments 2022

Public Contributions

Municipality Contribution for cultural activities 2017
Contribution Municipality regular management 2017
Contribution Province 2017
Credit Municipality cultural activities contribution
Credit Municipality regular management contribution
Credit Province contribution
Contribution Municipality cultural activities 2018
Contribution Municipality regular management 2018
Contribution Province 2018
Contribution Cassa di Risparmio Foundation 2018
Activity contributions 2019
Activity contributions 2020
Activity contributions 2021
Activity contributions 2022
Activity contributions 2023

Three Year Plan

Triennial plan for prevention of corruption and transparency (pdf)

Service quality

Runkelstein Castle 2019 (pdf)
Maretsch Castle 2019 (pdf)
Runkelstein Castle 2020 (pdf)
Maretsch Castle 2020 (pdf)

Access civic

Service Quality Charter

Castles of Bolzano Foundation (pdf)
Runkelstein Castle (pdf)
Maretsch Castle (pdf)
Rafenstein Castle (pdf)
